There’s no doubt: Nigeria is tremendous. Furthermore, similarly as the doubters say size doesn’t make a difference and you will understand once you willcome in West Africa.Because the tourist spots are just a few miles away. Talk about the adventure from the Obudu Plateau which is just a few miles away to the Guinean savannah grasses.
The entryway to the stores of the Cross River (the condition of which Calabar is the capital), and the further-flung rainforests of the Afi Mountains (home to gorillas, chimps, uncommon rockfowl and jagged pinnacles of stone), the town of Calabar is an all around sharpened traveler visit in transit through to Cameroon or the southern Nigerian coast.
Lagos is the largest city in Nigeria – actually, the largest on the entire African continent. In fact there are 18 million people live in this side of Africa. If you want to catch a taste of the African city life you would want to visit Lagos. There are throbbing streets of beer bars and clubs pepper the districts of Ikeja and Victoria Island.
Settled inland, north of the overwhelming Lagos, the territorial capital of the Ogun State can be discovered. You will be amazed by the extraordinary wraps of sweet potato fields and maize ranches, influencing lush savanna and palm oil estates.
A notable area on the significant shipping lanes between the coast and the core of West Africa prompted past occupants raising adobe fortresses around the old town, huge numbers of which can in any case be seen today.
Yankari National Park
Regardless of whether you make the laborious excursion east from Abuja and south from Gombe to the Yankari looking for the wandering crowds of African elephants (supposed to be the most various on the mainland) or to search out the entrancing relics of prior people groups in the caverns, you can have confidence that this very much overhauled public park won’t frustrate.
There you go. Nigeria isn’t a bad country after all. With so many things – a mix of adventure and overwhelming culture –this country deserves a spot on your bucket list.